The Difference Between Sober Living Homes and Halfway Houses
Those recovering from substance abuse in Scottsdale and Phoenix often need help transitioning from an inpatient treatment program to living an independent life. Transitional housing, in the form of halfway houses and sober living homes, can provide the environment people need in order to make this big step. But while halfway houses and sober living homes have many similarities, they also have many important differences as well.
Halfway Houses
The history of halfway houses goes back more than 200 years. Traditionally, they were places where ex-convicts stayed after their release from prison, as a means for them to adjust to the world outside prison walls. Nowadays, halfway houses are also used for other purposes, such as for people suffering from homelessness and for those leaving addiction programs. It is not uncommon for courts to order people to stay in such places after they have completed their inpatient treatment program. Typically, halfway houses are government run. They often offer dorm-like facilities that can accommodate lots of people, and they offer little in terms of comfort or structure or privacy. But, because of all this, they are also often inexpensive.
Sober Living Homes
Like halfway houses, the concept of sober living homes goes back many hundreds of years. Back in the early 19th century, a number of religious organizations began running hotels for alcoholics, who were not allowed to drink while living there. Today, sober living homes are run either by organizations affiliated with drug treatment centers or are run independently by those who have expertise in providing a sober environment for those leaving a treatment center. These homes offer patients various degrees of both support and structure. In comparison with halfway houses, sober living homes offer more comfort and privacy, and they more actively support a patient’s transition to recovery. Because of all this, they are also often more expensive than halfway houses. Though many health insurance providers offer coverage for sober living homes, which can make them a good option regardless of a patient’s means. It should be noted that there can be a great disparity of services offered from one sober living home to another. The quality of these services can vary greatly as well. So, it is important to research facilities and find the one that can provide what a patient truly needs to continue on the road toward recovery. In conclusion, while at first glance halfway houses and sober living homes provide similar services, under closer inspection it is clear that sober living homes offer a far more structured and supportive environment for those transitioning from an impatient treatment center. Source: “Sober-Living Houses and Changes in the Personal Networks of Individuals in Recovery”